Bicycle & scooter security is a priority for UCI, and there are many ways to prevent bicycle & scooter theft. UCI has outlined policies to support the needs of the campus community. If you follow the suggestions below, you will be securing your device in the best way possible.

Only use designated bike racks. Lock your bicycle or scooter to permanent, anchored bike racks around campus. Avoid theft and impound by using these fixed racks. Never lock to small trees, handrails, posts, or chain link fences. View a map of campus bike rack locations.

Always lock your bike or scooter. Whether you store your bicycle or scooter in a garage, dorm room, apartment, or even if you leave it for “just a minute,” use your lock.

Use a U-shaped high-security lock. Lightweight cable or chain locks no longer provide adequate security in most cases, as they can be easily cut. The best choice is a strong, reliable U-lock. Even better, use both!

Use the lock correctly. Position your bicycle frame and wheels so that you take up as much of the open space within the U-portion of the lock as possible. The tighter the lock-up, the harder it is for a thief to insert a pry bar and pry open your lock.

Secure your components and accessories, especially those that can be easily removed, like quick-release wheels or seats. Security devices are available at bike shops.

If, despite these precautions, your bike is stolen on campus, be sure to report it to the UCI Police Department at (949) 824-5223. Call Guest & Event Services at (949) 824-2691 to check if your bicycle has been impounded.

Device Registration

Registering your bicycle, scooter, or skate device is required for UCI and is an important step in securing your device and preventing theft.

  • Deterrent to theft – Having your device’s serial number on file makes it much harder to resell.
  • Proof of ownership – Parking can cut your lock if you forget your lock combo or lose your key.
  • Contact prior to impound – If you leave your device parked for an extended period of time we can attempt to contact you prior to putting the bike into salvage.
  • Recovery if stolen – If your device is lost or stolen, having it registered gives you a chance that it might be returned to you if located.